Package overview


class drf_spectacular.utils.OpenApiCallback(name: str | Promise, path: str, decorator: Callable[[F], F] | Dict[str, Callable[[F], F]] | Dict[str, Any])

Bases: OpenApiSchemaBase

Helper class to bundle a callback definition. This specifies a view on the callee’s side, effectively stating the expectations on the receiving end. Please note that this particular @extend_schema instance operates from the perspective of the callback origin, which means that request specifies the outgoing request.

For convenience sake, we assume the callback sends application/json and return a 200. If that is not sufficient, you can use request and responses overloads just as you normally would.

  • name – Name under which the this callback is listed in the schema.

  • path – Path on which the callback operation is performed. To reference request body contents, please refer to OpenAPI specification’s key expressions for valid choices.

  • decorator@extend_schema decorator that specifies the receiving endpoint. In this special context the allowed parameters are requests, responses, summary, description, deprecated.

class drf_spectacular.utils.OpenApiExample(name: str, value: ~typing.Any = <class 'rest_framework.fields.empty'>, external_value: str = '', summary: str | ~django.utils.functional.Promise = '', description: str | ~django.utils.functional.Promise = '', request_only: bool = False, response_only: bool = False, parameter_only: ~typing.Tuple[str, ~typing.Literal['query', 'path', 'header', 'cookie']] | None = None, media_type: str | None = None, status_codes: ~typing.Sequence[str | int] | None = None)

Bases: OpenApiSchemaBase

Helper class to document a API parameter / request body / response body with a concrete example value.

It is recommended to provide a singular example value, since pagination and list responses are handled by drf-spectacular.

The example will be attached to the operation object where appropriate, i.e. where the given media_type, status_code and modifiers match. Example that do not match any scenario are ignored.

  • media_type will default to ‘application/json’ unless implicitly specified through OpenApiResponse

  • status_codes will default to [200, 201] unless implicitly specified through OpenApiResponse

class drf_spectacular.utils.OpenApiParameter(name: str, type: ~rest_framework.serializers.Serializer | ~typing.Type[~rest_framework.serializers.Serializer] | ~typing.Type[str | float | bool | bytes | int | dict | ~uuid.UUID | ~decimal.Decimal | ~datetime.datetime | | ~datetime.time | ~datetime.timedelta | ~ipaddress.IPv4Address | ~ipaddress.IPv6Address] | ~drf_spectacular.types.OpenApiTypes | ~typing.Dict[str, ~typing.Any] = <class 'str'>, location: ~typing.Literal['query', 'path', 'header', 'cookie'] = 'query', required: bool = False, description: str | ~django.utils.functional.Promise = '', enum: ~typing.Sequence[~typing.Any] | None = None, pattern: str | None = None, deprecated: bool = False, style: str | None = None, explode: bool | None = None, default: ~typing.Any = None, allow_blank: bool = True, many: bool | None = None, examples: ~typing.Sequence[~drf_spectacular.utils.OpenApiExample] | None = None, extensions: ~typing.Dict[str, ~typing.Any] | None = None, exclude: bool = False, response: bool | ~typing.Sequence[str | int] = False)

Bases: OpenApiSchemaBase

Helper class to document request query/path/header/cookie parameters. Can also be used to document response headers.

Please note that not all arguments apply to all location/type/direction variations, e.g. path parameters are required=True by definition.

For valid style choices please consult the OpenAPI specification.

COOKIE: Final = 'cookie'
HEADER: Final = 'header'
PATH: Final = 'path'
QUERY: Final = 'query'
class drf_spectacular.utils.OpenApiRequest(request: Any = None, encoding: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] | None = None, examples: Sequence[OpenApiExample] | None = None)

Bases: OpenApiSchemaBase

Helper class to combine a request object (Serializer, OpenApiType, raw schema, etc.) together with an encoding object and/or examples. Examples can alternatively be provided via @extend_schema.

This class is especially helpful for customizing value encoding for application/x-www-form-urlencoded and multipart/*. The encoding parameter takes a dictionary with field names as keys and encoding objects as values. Refer to the specification on how to build a valid encoding object.

class drf_spectacular.utils.OpenApiResponse(response: Any = None, description: str | Promise = '', examples: Sequence[OpenApiExample] | None = None)

Bases: OpenApiSchemaBase

Helper class to bundle a response object (Serializer, OpenApiType, raw schema, etc) together with a response object description and/or examples. Examples can alternatively be provided via @extend_schema.

This class is especially helpful for explicitly describing status codes on a “Response Object” level.

class drf_spectacular.utils.OpenApiSchemaBase

Bases: object

class drf_spectacular.utils.OpenApiWebhook(name: str | Promise, decorator: Callable[[F], F] | Dict[str, Callable[[F], F]] | Dict[str, Any])

Bases: OpenApiSchemaBase

Helper class to document webhook definitions. A webhook specifies a possible out-of-band request initiated by the API provider and the expected responses from the consumer.

Please note that this particular @extend_schema instance operates from the perspective of the webhook origin, which means that request specifies the outgoing request.

For convenience sake, we assume the API provider sends a POST request with a body of type application/json and the receiver responds with 200 if the event was successfully received.

  • name – Name under which this webhook is listed in the schema.

  • decorator@extend_schema decorator that specifies the receiving endpoint. In this special context the allowed parameters are requests, responses, summary, description, deprecated.

class drf_spectacular.utils.PolymorphicProxySerializer(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: Serializer

This class is to be used with @extend_schema to signal a request/response might be polymorphic (accepts/returns data possibly from different serializers). Usage usually looks like this:

            LegalPersonSerializer, NaturalPersonSerializer,
def create(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
    return Response(...)

Beware that this is not a real serializer and it will raise an AssertionError if used in that way. It cannot be used in views as serializer_class or as field in an actual serializer. It is solely meant for annotation purposes.

Also make sure that each sub-serializer has a field named after the value of resource_type_field_name (discriminator field). Generated clients will likely depend on the existence of this field.

Setting resource_type_field_name to None will remove the discriminator altogether. This may be useful in certain situations, but will most likely break client generation. Another use-case is explicit control over sub-serializer’s many attribute. To explicitly control this aspect, you need disable the discriminator with resource_type_field_name=None as well as disable automatic list handling with many=False.

It is strongly recommended to pass the Serializers as list, and by that let drf-spectacular retrieve the field and handle the mapping automatically. In special circumstances, the field may not available when drf-spectacular processes the serializer. In those cases you can explicitly state the mapping with {'legal': LegalPersonSerializer, ...}, but it is then your responsibility to have a valid mapping.

It is also permissible to provide a callable with no parameters for serializers, such as a lambda that will return an appropriate list or dict when evaluated.

property data
property serializers

Dict of native values <- Dict of primitive datatypes.


Object instance -> Dict of primitive datatypes.

drf_spectacular.utils.extend_schema(operation_id: str | None = None, parameters: ~typing.Sequence[~drf_spectacular.utils.OpenApiParameter | ~rest_framework.serializers.Serializer | ~typing.Type[~rest_framework.serializers.Serializer]] | None = None, request: ~typing.Any = <class 'rest_framework.fields.empty'>, responses: ~typing.Any = <class 'rest_framework.fields.empty'>, auth: ~typing.Sequence[str] | None = None, description: str | ~django.utils.functional.Promise | None = None, summary: str | ~django.utils.functional.Promise | None = None, deprecated: bool | None = None, tags: ~typing.Sequence[str] | None = None, filters: bool | None = None, exclude: bool | None = None, operation: ~typing.Dict[str, ~typing.Any] | None = None, methods: ~typing.Sequence[str] | None = None, versions: ~typing.Sequence[str] | None = None, examples: ~typing.Sequence[~drf_spectacular.utils.OpenApiExample] | None = None, extensions: ~typing.Dict[str, ~typing.Any] | None = None, callbacks: ~typing.Sequence[~drf_spectacular.utils.OpenApiCallback] | None = None, external_docs: ~typing.Dict[str, str] | str | None = None) Callable[[F], F]

Decorator mainly for the “view” method kind. Partially or completely overrides what would be otherwise generated by drf-spectacular.

  • operation_id – replaces the auto-generated operation_id. make sure there are no naming collisions.

  • parameters – list of additional or replacement parameters added to the auto-discovered fields.

  • responses

    replaces the discovered Serializer. Takes a variety of inputs that can be used individually or combined

    • Serializer class

    • Serializer instance (e.g. Serializer(many=True) for listings)

    • basic types or instances of OpenApiTypes

    • OpenApiResponse for bundling any of the other choices together with either a dedicated response description and/or examples.

    • PolymorphicProxySerializer for signaling that the operation may yield data from different serializers depending on the circumstances.

    • dict with status codes as keys and one of the above as values. Additionally in this case, it is also possible to provide a raw schema dict as value.

    • dict with tuples (status_code, media_type) as keys and one of the above as values. Additionally in this case, it is also possible to provide a raw schema dict as value.

  • request

    replaces the discovered Serializer. Takes a variety of inputs

    • Serializer class/instance

    • basic types or instances of OpenApiTypes

    • PolymorphicProxySerializer for signaling that the operation accepts a set of different types of objects.

    • dict with media_type as keys and one of the above as values. Additionally, in this case, it is also possible to provide a raw schema dict as value.

  • auth – replace discovered auth with explicit list of auth methods

  • description – replaces discovered doc strings

  • summary – an optional short summary of the description

  • deprecated – mark operation as deprecated

  • tags – override default list of tags

  • filters – ignore list detection and forcefully enable/disable filter discovery

  • exclude – set True to exclude operation from schema

  • operation – manually override what auto-discovery would generate. you must provide a OpenAPI3-compliant dictionary that gets directly translated to YAML.

  • methods – scope extend_schema to specific methods. matches all by default.

  • versions – scope extend_schema to specific API version. matches all by default.

  • examples – attach request/response examples to the operation

  • extensions – specification extensions, e.g. x-badges, x-code-samples, etc.

  • callbacks – associate callbacks with this endpoint

  • external_docs – Link external documentation. Provide a dict with an “url” key and optionally a “description” key. For convenience, if only a string is given it is treated as the URL.


drf_spectacular.utils.extend_schema_field(field: Serializer | Type[Serializer] | Field | Type[Field] | OpenApiTypes | Dict[str, Any] | Type[str | float | bool | bytes | int | dict | UUID | Decimal | datetime | date | time | timedelta | IPv4Address | IPv6Address], component_name: str | None = None) Callable[[F], F]

Decorator for the “field” kind. Can be used with SerializerMethodField (annotate the actual method) or with custom serializers.Field implementations.

If your custom serializer field base class is already the desired type, decoration is not necessary. To override the discovered base class type, you can decorate your custom field class.

Always takes precedence over other mechanisms (e.g. type hints, auto-discovery).

  • field – accepts a Serializer, OpenApiTypes or raw dict

  • component_name – signals that the field should be broken out as separate component

drf_spectacular.utils.extend_schema_serializer(many: bool | None = None, exclude_fields: Sequence[str] | None = None, deprecate_fields: Sequence[str] | None = None, examples: Sequence[OpenApiExample] | None = None, extensions: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, component_name: str | None = None) Callable[[F], F]

Decorator for the “serializer” kind. Intended for overriding default serializer behaviour that cannot be influenced through @extend_schema.

  • many – override how serializer is initialized. Mainly used to coerce the list view detection heuristic to acknowledge a non-list serializer.

  • exclude_fields – fields to ignore while processing the serializer. only affects the schema. fields will still be exposed through the API.

  • deprecate_fields – fields to mark as deprecated while processing the serializer.

  • examples – define example data to serializer.

  • extensions – specification extensions, e.g. x-is-dynamic, etc.

  • component_name – override default class name extraction.

drf_spectacular.utils.extend_schema_view(**kwargs) Callable[[F], F]

Convenience decorator for the “view” kind. Intended for annotating derived view methods that are are not directly present in the view (usually methods like list or retrieve). Spares you from overriding methods like list, only to perform a super call in the body so that you have have something to attach @extend_schema to.

This decorator also takes care of safely attaching annotations to derived view methods, preventing leakage into unrelated views.

This decorator also supports custom DRF @action with the method name as the key.


kwargs – method names as argument names and @extend_schema calls as values

drf_spectacular.utils.inline_serializer(name: str, fields: Dict[str, Field], **kwargs) Serializer

A helper function to create an inline serializer. Primary use is with @extend_schema, where one needs an implicit one-off serializer that is not reflected in an actual class.

  • name – name of the

  • fields – dict with field names as keys and serializer fields as values

  • kwargs – optional kwargs for serializer initialization


class drf_spectacular.types.OpenApiTypes(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Basic types known to the OpenAPI specification or at least common format extension of it.

  • Use BYTE for base64-encoded data wrapped in a string

  • Use BINARY for raw binary data

  • Use OBJECT for arbitrary free-form object (usually a dict)


Converted to {"type": "number"}.


Converted to {"type": "number", "format": "float"}. Equivalent to float.


Converted to {"type": "number", "format": "double"}.

BOOL = 4

Converted to {"type": "boolean"}. Equivalent to bool.

STR = 5

Converted to {"type": "string"}. Equivalent to str.

BYTE = 6

Converted to {"type": "string", "format": "byte"}. Use this for base64-encoded data wrapped in a string.


Converted to {"type": "string", "format": "binary"}. Equivalent to bytes. Use this for raw binary data.


Converted to {"type": "string", "format": "password"}.

INT = 9

Converted to {"type": "integer"}. Equivalent to int.

INT32 = 10

Converted to {"type": "integer", "format": "int32"}.

INT64 = 11

Converted to {"type": "integer", "format": "int64"}.

UUID = 12

Converted to {"type": "string", "format": "uuid"}. Equivalent to UUID.

URI = 13

Converted to {"type": "string", "format": "uri"}.

URI_REF = 14

Converted to {"type": "string", "format": "uri-reference"}.

URI_TPL = 15

Converted to {"type": "string", "format": "uri-template"}.

IRI = 16

Converted to {"type": "string", "format": "iri"}.

IRI_REF = 17

Converted to {"type": "string", "format": "iri-reference"}.

IP4 = 18

Converted to {"type": "string", "format": "ipv4"}. Equivalent to IPv4Address.

IP6 = 19

Converted to {"type": "string", "format": "ipv6"}. Equivalent to IPv6Address.


Converted to {"type": "string", "format": "hostname"}.


Converted to {"type": "string", "format": "idn-hostname"}.


Converted to {"type": "number", "format": "double"}. The same as DOUBLE. Equivalent to Decimal.


Converted to {"type": "string", "format": "date-time"}. Equivalent to datetime.

DATE = 24

Converted to {"type": "string", "format": "date"}. Equivalent to date.

TIME = 25

Converted to {"type": "string", "format": "time"}. Equivalent to time.


Converted to {"type": "string", "format": "duration"}. Equivalent to timedelta. Expressed according to ISO 8601.

EMAIL = 27

Converted to {"type": "string", "format": "email"}.


Converted to {"type": "string", "format": "idn-email"}.


Converted to {"type": "string", "format": "json-pointer"}.


Converted to {"type": "string", "format": "relative-json-pointer"}.

REGEX = 31

Converted to {"type": "string", "format": "regex"}.


Converted to {"type": "object", ...}. Use this for arbitrary free-form objects (usually a dict). The additionalProperties item is added depending on the GENERIC_ADDITIONAL_PROPERTIES setting.

NONE = 33

Equivalent to None. This signals that the request or response is empty.

ANY = 34

Converted to {} which sets no type and format. Equivalent to typing.Any.


class drf_spectacular.views.SpectacularAPIView(**kwargs)

Bases: APIView

api_version: str | None = None
authentication_classes = [<class 'rest_framework.authentication.SessionAuthentication'>, <class 'rest_framework.authentication.BasicAuthentication'>]
custom_settings: Dict[str, Any] | None = None

alias of SchemaGenerator

get(request, *args, **kwargs)
patterns: List[Any] | None = None
permission_classes = [<class 'rest_framework.permissions.AllowAny'>]
renderer_classes = [<class 'drf_spectacular.renderers.OpenApiYamlRenderer'>, <class 'drf_spectacular.renderers.OpenApiYamlRenderer2'>, <class 'drf_spectacular.renderers.OpenApiJsonRenderer'>, <class 'drf_spectacular.renderers.OpenApiJsonRenderer2'>]
serve_public: bool = True
urlconf: str | None = None
class drf_spectacular.views.SpectacularJSONAPIView(**kwargs)

Bases: SpectacularAPIView

renderer_classes = [<class 'drf_spectacular.renderers.OpenApiJsonRenderer'>, <class 'drf_spectacular.renderers.OpenApiJsonRenderer2'>]
class drf_spectacular.views.SpectacularRedocView(**kwargs)

Bases: APIView

authentication_classes = [<class 'rest_framework.authentication.SessionAuthentication'>, <class 'rest_framework.authentication.BasicAuthentication'>]
get(request, *args, **kwargs)
permission_classes = [<class 'rest_framework.permissions.AllowAny'>]
renderer_classes = [<class 'rest_framework.renderers.TemplateHTMLRenderer'>]
template_name: str = 'drf_spectacular/redoc.html'
title: str | None = ''
url: str | None = None
url_name: str = 'schema'
class drf_spectacular.views.SpectacularSwaggerOauthRedirectView(**kwargs)

Bases: RedirectView

A view that serves the SwaggerUI oauth2-redirect.html file so that SwaggerUI can authenticate itself using Oauth2

This view should be served as ./oauth2-redirect.html relative to the SwaggerUI itself. If that is not possible, this views absolute url can also be set via the SPECTACULAR_SETTINGS.SWAGGER_UI_SETTINGS.oauth2RedirectUrl django settings.

get_redirect_url(*args, **kwargs)

Return the URL redirect to. Keyword arguments from the URL pattern match generating the redirect request are provided as kwargs to this method.

class drf_spectacular.views.SpectacularSwaggerSplitView(**kwargs)

Bases: SpectacularSwaggerView

Alternate Swagger UI implementation that separates the html request from the javascript request to cater to web servers with stricter CSP policies.

get(request, *args, **kwargs)
url_self: str | None = None
class drf_spectacular.views.SpectacularSwaggerView(**kwargs)

Bases: APIView

authentication_classes = [<class 'rest_framework.authentication.SessionAuthentication'>, <class 'rest_framework.authentication.BasicAuthentication'>]
get(request, *args, **kwargs)
permission_classes = [<class 'rest_framework.permissions.AllowAny'>]
renderer_classes = [<class 'rest_framework.renderers.TemplateHTMLRenderer'>]
template_name: str = 'drf_spectacular/swagger_ui.html'
template_name_js: str = 'drf_spectacular/swagger_ui.js'
title: str = ''
url: str | None = None
url_name: str = 'schema'
class drf_spectacular.views.SpectacularYAMLAPIView(**kwargs)

Bases: SpectacularAPIView

renderer_classes = [<class 'drf_spectacular.renderers.OpenApiYamlRenderer'>, <class 'drf_spectacular.renderers.OpenApiYamlRenderer2'>]


class drf_spectacular.extensions.OpenApiAuthenticationExtension(target)

Bases: OpenApiGeneratorExtension[OpenApiAuthenticationExtension]

Extension for specifying authentication schemes.

The common use-case usually consists of setting a name string and returning a dict from get_security_definition. To model a group of headers that go together, set a list of names and return a corresponding list of definitions from get_security_definition.

The view class is available via auto_schema.view, while the original authentication class can be accessed via If you want to override an included extension, be sure to set a higher matching priority by setting the class attribute priority = 1 or higher.

get_security_requirement is expected to return a dict with security object names as keys and a scope list as value (usually just []). More than one key in the dict means that each entry is required (AND). If you need alternate variations (OR), return a list of those dicts instead.

get_security_definition() is expected to return a valid OpenAPI security scheme object

abstract get_security_definition(auto_schema: AutoSchema) Dict[str, Any] | List[Dict[str, Any]]
get_security_requirement(auto_schema: AutoSchema) Dict[str, List[Any]] | List[Dict[str, List[Any]]]
name: str | List[str]
class drf_spectacular.extensions.OpenApiFilterExtension(target)

Bases: OpenApiGeneratorExtension[OpenApiFilterExtension]

Extension for specifying a list of filter parameters for a given FilterBackend.

The original filter class object can be accessed via The attached view is accessible via auto_schema.view.

get_schema_operation_parameters() is expected to return either an empty list or a list of valid raw OpenAPI parameter objects. Using is recommended to generate the appropriate raw dict objects.

abstract get_schema_operation_parameters(auto_schema: AutoSchema, *args, **kwargs) List[Dict[str, Any]]
class drf_spectacular.extensions.OpenApiSerializerExtension(target)

Bases: OpenApiGeneratorExtension[OpenApiSerializerExtension]

Extension for replacing an insufficient or specifying an unknown Serializer schema.

The existing implementation of map_serializer() will generate the same result as drf-spectacular would. Either augment or replace the generated schema. The view instance is available via auto_schema.view, while the original serializer can be accessed via

map_serializer() is expected to return a valid OpenAPI schema object.

get_identity(auto_schema: AutoSchema, direction: Literal['request', 'response']) Any

return anything to compare instances of target. Target will be used by default.

get_name(auto_schema: AutoSchema, direction: Literal['request', 'response']) str | None

return str for overriding default name extraction

map_serializer(auto_schema: AutoSchema, direction: Literal['request', 'response']) Dict[str, Any]

override for customized serializer mapping

class drf_spectacular.extensions.OpenApiSerializerFieldExtension(target)

Bases: OpenApiGeneratorExtension[OpenApiSerializerFieldExtension]

Extension for replacing an insufficient or specifying an unknown SerializerField schema.

To augment the default schema, you can get what drf-spectacular would generate with auto_schema._map_serializer_field(, direction, bypass_extensions=True). and edit the returned schema at your discretion. Beware that this may still emit warnings, in which case manual construction is advisable.

map_serializer_field() is expected to return a valid OpenAPI schema object.

get_name() str | None

return str for breaking out field schema into separate named component

abstract map_serializer_field(auto_schema: AutoSchema, direction: Literal['request', 'response']) Dict[str, Any]

override for customized serializer field mapping

class drf_spectacular.extensions.OpenApiViewExtension(target)

Bases: OpenApiGeneratorExtension[OpenApiViewExtension]

Extension for replacing discovered views with a more schema-appropriate/annotated version.

view_replacement() is expected to return a subclass of APIView (which includes ViewSet et al.). The discovered original view instance can be accessed with and be subclassed if desired.

abstract view_replacement() Type[APIView]


drf_spectacular.hooks.postprocess_schema_enum_id_removal(result, generator, **kwargs)

Iterative modifying approach to scanning the whole schema and removing the temporary helper ids that allowed us to distinguish similar enums.

drf_spectacular.hooks.postprocess_schema_enums(result, generator, **kwargs)

simple replacement of Enum/Choices that globally share the same name and have the same choices. Aids client generation to not generate a separate enum for every occurrence. only takes effect when replacement is guaranteed to be correct.

drf_spectacular.hooks.preprocess_exclude_path_format(endpoints, **kwargs)

preprocessing hook that filters out {format} suffixed paths, in case format_suffix_patterns is used and {format} path params are unwanted.


class drf_spectacular.openapi.AutoSchema

Bases: ViewInspector

get_auth() List[Dict[str, Any]]

Obtains authentication classes and permissions from view. If authentication is known, resolve security requirement for endpoint and security definition for the component section. For custom authentication subclass OpenApiAuthenticationExtension.

get_callbacks() List[OpenApiCallback]

override this for custom behaviour

get_description() str

override this for custom behaviour

get_examples() List[OpenApiExample]

override this for custom behaviour

get_extensions() Dict[str, Any]
get_external_docs() Dict[str, str] | str | None

override this for custom behaviour

get_filter_backends() List[Any]

override this for custom behaviour

get_operation(path: str, path_regex: str, path_prefix: str, method: str, registry: ComponentRegistry) Dict[str, Any] | None
get_operation_id() str

override this for custom behaviour

get_override_parameters() List[OpenApiParameter | Serializer | Type[Serializer]]

override this for custom behaviour

get_paginated_name(serializer_name: str) str
get_request_serializer() Serializer | Type[Serializer] | None

override this for custom behaviour

get_response_serializers() Serializer | Type[Serializer] | None

override this for custom behaviour

get_serializer_identity(serializer, direction: Literal['request', 'response']) Any
get_serializer_name(serializer: Serializer, direction: Literal['request', 'response']) str

override this for custom behaviour

get_summary() str | None

override this for custom behaviour

get_tags() List[str]

override this for custom behaviour

is_deprecated() bool

override this for custom behaviour

is_excluded() bool

override this for custom behaviour

map_parsers() List[Any]
map_renderers(attribute: str) List[Any]
method_mapping = {'delete': 'destroy', 'get': 'retrieve', 'patch': 'partial_update', 'post': 'create', 'put': 'update'}
resolve_serializer(serializer: Serializer | Type[Serializer], direction: Literal['request', 'response'], bypass_extensions=False) ResolvedComponent


class drf_spectacular.contrib.django_filters.DjangoFilterExtension(target)

Bases: OpenApiFilterExtension

Extensions that specifically deals with django-filter fields. The introspection attempts to estimate the underlying model field types to generate filter types.

However, there are under-specified filter fields for which heuristics need to be performed. This serves as an explicit list of all partially-handled filter fields:

  • AllValuesFilter: skip choices to prevent DB query

  • AllValuesMultipleFilter: skip choices to prevent DB query, multi handled though

  • ChoiceFilter: enum handled, type under-specified

  • DateRangeFilter: N/A

  • LookupChoiceFilter: N/A

  • ModelChoiceFilter: enum handled

  • ModelMultipleChoiceFilter: enum, multi handled

  • MultipleChoiceFilter: enum, multi handled

  • RangeFilter: min/max handled, type under-specified

  • TypedChoiceFilter: enum handled

  • TypedMultipleChoiceFilter: enum, multi handled

In case of warnings or incorrect filter types, you can manually override the underlying field type with a manual extend_schema_field decoration. Alternatively, if you have a filter method for your filter field, you can attach extend_schema_field to that filter method.

class SomeFilter(FilterSet):
    some_field = extend_schema_field(OpenApiTypes.NUMBER)(